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Make a plan for them goals of yours.

I have to give full on credit to Emma for this idea.
Emma made a video on her youtube channel a few months ago & this idea of hers really pulled a cord with me and just pinged a light bulb. 

 The 3 month plan.
In the video emma mentions her goals for the next 5 years.
She mention is previous years, she thought of how the next 5 years might be, but never planned properly for it.
Then went on to say that now, for the next 5 years ahead, she is going to take it 3 months at a time.
For many different reasons to me which you can see in the video.
Emma really made a lot of sense to how she & her husband are going to get what they whole heartedly want & want i just feel they completely out of this world deserve.

Like Emma, with my goals in 2017, i'm going to section them off into 3 month stents. Wether your goals are very personally to & your family. Or just personally goals like passing your driving test or starting a new business.

One of mine is just that...
Learning to Drive

1st set of 3 months
 Saving up, sending off, receiving a provisional license & taking some lessons.

2nd set of 3 months
Continue with lessons and with learning, gaining my confidence. Revising & taking my theory test.

3rd set of 3 months
Continue to gain as much confidence as possible, continue saving for the final test (ahhhh again), book test & pass test.

4th set of 3 months.
 Find the best insurance company for the car that has been gifted to me by my husband... its currently sitting on my drive until i have passed all of the 3 months sets. (ahhhh 3rd time)
& begin drivinggggggggggg.

I cannot wait until i can drive. 
I have wanted to drive my whole life & like Emma has just seen it happening sometime in the future but needed to have plan for it.
Emma mentioned how you can imagine you life sometimes and just go along with it without properly have a plan set out for it.
Emma has really helped me see that with having a plan, you are more likely to achieve your goals, with the time planned out into sections and stages.

Along with my driving journey plan, i really want to do this with all of my other goals!
You can cater this system to anything you want & have in that list of yours.


Falling Behind With Your Goals & Resolutions Like Me?

I have so much motivation before & during the start of the year.
I have all my goals and resolutions thought of and ready to go.
But this month i have really lost all motivation for things.
I cannot be bothered with anything really.
Which a has taken a massive toll on my resolutions & hopes so far this year...

If your like me, then heres some tips that i have learnt along the way.

Pinterest all the way.
I bloody love pinterest.
Endless amounts of inspiration & tips.
You could try and make a board of things that really give you a tug on those bones and a kick up the bum to get going again.

Watch some motivational peeps.
The one person that stands out to me who has literally made me completely turn my thoughts on life around to really work hard and get things done is
 At the very beginning of the year has become a daily vlogger.
She has been my daily inspiration... ( at 7pm to be precise )
my motivation and makes me have a positive attitude. 
For me personally, i feel we have very similar goals in life.
So Jodes really helps me & reminds me of the goals i've set & to keep going.
If your looking for someone who pours out positivity, happiness & who just quite honestly just works so damn hard defiantly go & check her out!
I feel like she has not only became my best friend but my life coach too haha.

Try & have your goals where you can see them everyday.
You can find so many ideas on pinterest & youtube where you can do a bit of DIY and make something to place your goals and resolutions in a place where you can always see them & be reminded everyday to stay on track.

Set reminder on your phone.
If you dont like DIY or watching youtube then why not try setting reminders on your phone.
Every 4 hours or every hour if you hardcore. To just keep your goals in your head to motivated you during the day, whatever your goals may be.

Make a plan of action.
Wether it might be to workout more lets say.
If you can why not joining a gym? If you've been there done that, try some classes. I really want to start some more classes this year.
You might not even have to have a membership to the gym, just pay when your there. Which i think will work really well to fit into time schedules.
To save money. Set up a saving system.
Envelope systems work perfectly.
Or open up another account with your bank & title is specifically with you saving goals.
Little steps for each individual goal can really help.
You have then made a start, which is better than nothing!

Theres some little tips if you are falling a little behind with your 2017 goals and resolution. Hope this helped :) 

5 Things To Be Thankful For In Janurary

January can be a mixture of things. Fresh and new
but un motivating and blue.
(a bit of a morning rhyme for you there)

I thought it might be good to make myself realise some of the things that i can be thankful for in this mixture of emotions month.

1. Fresh first month of the year.
I love the end of a year & an exciting fresh start with a new one.
I do believe you can start any day that you want to a fresh.
But theres just something about a whole new year.

2. Sales, sales, Sales.
Pretty much every shop will have some sort of discount.
And if you have been lusting over something for while. January is the perfect month to buy it! 

3. A month that inspires goals.
I have a handful of goals and resolutions this year.
Along with the fresh start, in my opinion the best month to start them.
You can look back on your previous January goals and is you have achieved or still need to work on them.

4. You might still have recored films.
The tv has some amazing films on over the christmas time.
When i was little i was spoilt for choice and only had the option to either pick one or the other (if some was on at the same time, devastating)
or tape over something i've already watched on vhs.
(them were the days)
but now if we can, we have technology where we can record and catch or as many as we want. I defiantly haven't got round to my list of films.
 Which will fill my January up perfectly! 

5. You have all the left over treats to eat.
The cupboard might still be over following after christmas.
As well as some selection boxes aunties and uncles have gifted you. 
Januarys the time for no guilt.
You have to eat everything to make room for the 'healthy' food don't we? ;)


5 Ways To Help You Feel More Productive

I'm going to be honest this post is something i need to be reading myself! Let alone writing it for someone else to read.
You know when you have those days where you really feel like you need to do something on the to do list of the week, got time to do it but really cannot be bothered?
Me right now.
Right after me giving you these tips, i'm going to put all these into acton.
Which is something i have been trying to do over the past few months.
I'm fortunate enough to not be working full time depending on the way you look at it... not a lot of money... but a lot of time.
I don't want to waste the time i have in the by not completing things i know i need to do.
Its not like i'm even watching tv or youtube, i'm just sitting waiting for the next loads of washing to go in with my cup of tea, i make each washing cycle!

So this needs to stop! I need to crack on and get things into order!
To be a blogger is my dream job. 
I need to work hard to get there & thats not going to happen if i keep waiting for that 29 minute wash to finish.

Lets do this together! 

1. Make a list...
& check it more than twice.

On Sundays make a to do list for upcoming week.
Place it somewhere where you will always see it.
By the tv so you cant watch it without your list reminding you of the things you should be doing.
I'm not saying don't chill out, i'm saying of your someone like me, when i have a whole free day... when i have so much energy... i use it up by moving my hand to my mouth with food in front of the tv and feel so ugh, that i don't want to anything else.

2. Set a timer.

I love this one and really want to try and do this more often.
Its a little challenge for your list of things to do.
Lets say its to wash the dishes.
Set your times for 10 mins, which will include washing & drying.
You'll be surprised that by knowing your against the clock a competitive streak wether you knew you had or not will unleash and will get that job done!
If you set a timer for most things you have in the day, you will be amazed at how my you can get done and you will feel soooo productive. 

3. Keep the end goal in mind.

If you going away at the end of the week and have a list as long as your arm to accomplish. Keep trying to remember the end goal.
The day you want everything to be done by.
The time your leaving the house.
So them days where theres no time for odd jobs to do are all done because you've remembered you cant leave the things until the last minute and have been productive to get them done.

4. Get things done ahead of time.

If you know your not going to have a lot of time in the week to sort some things out. Prep ahead of time... with anything.
Dinners for the week... Washing and ironing work clothes...
lunch prepping... and all that productive time you've spent to help with time in the week for you to do things, will give you the feeling of accomplishment  all week long. 

5. Exercise.

Ugh, i know. This is not want i want to hear right now with wrappers on celebrations on my desk... oops.
But i know deep down that exercise is the main thing thats helps me get to work and be productive.
With all the endorphins & the sense of major accomplishment
I feel so alive & ready get so much done!
I feel so fresh, that i want to carry that feeling on as long as possible which really helps with productivity. 

So there we go 5 tips to get your get you *ahum* together ;)
I will defiantly refer back to this when i'm feeling glum and cant be arsed.
Hope this helps you too! 

See you soon :)

New Years Goals & Resolutions

When a new years comes around i love it!
I find it so motivating to have a new fresh start to a year which makes me want to have a fresh start with pretty much everything in my life.
Heres some goals/resolutions that i would like to achieve or things on want to improve on. Hopefully you find it interesting and maybe if your trying to think of some yourself, hopefully this might help you.

A Pamper Day

This year i really want to find a designated day to have a pamper.
A week rolls around where u haven't got my lady shaver out to keep the upper lip hair down, a week where i haven't done my eyebrows or took off the chipped nail polish on my toes.
It then can take whats seems like whole to feel like myself again.
I'm gong to make a day everywhere, a Sunday afternoon i thought would be good... to prune oneself to keep on top of my beauty regime.

Booking Appointments

Possibly an odd one but this is for things like booking my cat in for her next vets check up... or booking myself in for my next dentist check up.
This is something that i leave up until the week maybe day to then find theres no appointments.
So this year i will book appointments at least a month in advance so everything is set and ready to go.

Continue The Decluttering Journey

I've been decluttering for around a year now but in full force for around 6 months.
I have got ridden of so much stuff... to charity, friends and family... and for the items that aren't really fit for another use with someone else, things have been going to recycling bins to be appreciated and made into something else.
I definitely need to continue decluttering as i still have so much stuff that i don't need or no longer want.
I loveeeee sorting all my stuff, getting some black bags and just sorting through each item.

Be More Active 

Not just with exercising but with being more outdoors. Visit places where i haven't been before where i can walk around in the fresh air. Or get a bike for something different. 
To bring a bit a bit of activeness into my life as regards exercise, i'm having my eye on the scarlet moffats workout dvd... she is so inspiring and motivating to get me moving to hopefully tone my baaaady up ;)


I have mentioned in a previous post last year that i have OCD, which i have now been told my specialist that i have a complex case.
I am now instead of doing it here on my blog will speak about it on youtube, i feel my words will flow better & because there is so much to say about it, my hands with probably drop off from typing it.
This link will take you to my youtube channel where ill be uploading videos soon about it.... 

But one of my goals is to get it more control.
I am now on a waiting list to speak to a therapist for the second time now & also on medication which seems to be really helping me.
So this year i want to continue with the medication and hopefully will be able to control it so much for than i have ever before.

To be Debt Free

I shop. A lot. I catalogue sites like Very & Littlewoods.
They are so amazing if you want/need something but can buy it right out there and then.
You can get stuff sent out the next day. And more so Very is the same if not cheaper than the street and online stores.
I have took advantage so much of these sites over the years which is amazing but absolutely dreadful at the same time.
When you ahve spent over a certain amount you have options to pay either right there and then which i NEVER do, or 3,6,9 or 12 months later. With NO, 0%, zilch interest on top (just as long as you pay it before or on that date that is). With my shopping habits some months i have any money amount from £20 to hundreds of pounds a month aghhhhh.
Starting from this month i vow to not purchase anything from these sites and anything i do buy will be with hard earned cash! woo!
They are such amazing sites but i have definitely had my time with them, and as soon as i have paid off everything last years Emilie has brought i will cancel my account to hopefully then not buy as much and my money.

I do have some more goals and resolutions that i have mentioned on my youtube channel, ill leave the link here

I hope you have enjoyed!

Have you made any news years resolutions or goals for 2017?

see you sooooooon :)


Hello 2017!

Happy New Year Everyone!
I hope you all had a safe, fun & amazing time celebrating the new year.
We, being myself, husband and mom, went round to my brothers where him & my sister in law with their baby boy greeted us with their friends and with a home made curry & snacks to feast on during the night of love and friendship. 
We did the same thing the year before and really enjoyed ourselves. 
I was of course all over their pet rabbit who is the most friendliest rabbit i have ever met!
We played Articulate which was so much fun! 
Have you ever heard or played it before?
It a game thats basically charades, but you can speak & go round a board where your team mates help you get to the finish line....
I must remind myself to get it as it would be so much fun to have friends round for a games night, which is something i would like to do more of in 2017.

I wish you all the happiness in the world for 2017, if you had a bad 2016 for any reason at all, just think of 2017 as a fresh start & you might be able to think of 2016 as a lesson of some ways or you can try and see positive side of that year to then bring on into 2017 to make it the best year yet!

What did you do on new years eve?
Do you have any yearly traditions to celebrate it?

see you soon :)
