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March Favourites

April is here, it's officially Spring and the nights are getting lighter which means i am a HAPPY CHAPPY.

Let's take a glimpse at what i've been adoring throughout the month of March and see what's been floating my boat.

1. Game of Thrones


It's official. I am HOOKED. Me and my husband started watching g.o.t at the beginning of March and have sailed through nearly all the seasons. First things first, isn't it a bit *in a Miranda voice* sexxxxxxual. Talk about raunchy. Second, the gore! I wasn't prepared for the amount of gore i was about to see but now i've sat through some pretty horrific scenes, if someone warned me there was a bit of a scramble and blood in a movie, pft piece'a'cake. 

2. Online Course 

Being home educated, i never took my GCSE's = No qualifications. 
Up until this point in my life it hasn't been a necessity to have any and my previous employments haven't desired any particular experience or qualifications. But now i am looking to try something different when it comes to my career, I needed to delve into the realms of learning. I'm taking an online course that was offered to me through a job search website called Reed. It's a free online course to hopefully give me a business and administrative qualification. I am LOVING it and it really is so easy to follow online in the comfort of my own home. Also knowing that i should *providing my assessments go to plan* get a certificate at the end of it too. I haven't earned a certificate since i swam a whole length in primary school. 

3. Essence Fresh All Day Foundation

I'm going to be popping a full review of this over here on my blog in the next few weeks as it has become my go to product for my base. I love applying it to my skin as it smells so fresh, a bit like baby wipes. It gives a radiant fresh looking complexion and lasts such a long time on the skin. My favourite thing about it is that it only costs £5.00!

4. Wedding Anniversary

Towards the end of March, my gorgeous husband and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. 
We shared snuggles with our cat, cards and little gifts to each other and looked back to our wedding day and pondered over the delightful day that it was. I treated my hubby to see Captain Marvel in the cinema which how the americans put it, he was so STOKED. I'm actually curious as to wether now i have lost some weight if my wedding dress fits me again? hmmm, maybe i shall have to shimmy back into it at some point this month. 

March was a goodun' and hope that yours was fabulous too!
Let me know somethings you have been loving as i would love to know. 

Thank you so much for reading, chat soon daffodils...
Emilie x 

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