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How to beat the january blues - 5 Different ways

Christmas is red, 
January is blue, 
Feeling down in the dumps,
Boo hoo hoo

How d'ya like my little poem? ;) 

January can be the month that you feel a bit glum can't it. If it were a colour, a muddy blue could come to mind. Often in the middle of the month when the fresh and newness has worn off from the start of the new year and work feels like it is dragging it's feet, we can catch the dullness and blueness that January can sometimes give off. I'm going to share with you some tips that i have learnt over the years to combat those blues and turn your January around into an exciting and positive month.

Grab your 2019 diary. 
If you don't have one yet, now would be the perfect time as most places will start to sell them off in the sales. Getcha favourite pen and arrange days out, exciting things to look forward too. After an excited few months of having all the festivities to look forward too, January can feel like a let out balloon, but having something arranged wether it being a day out, a ticket to the cinema, dinner at friends or even taking part in something for charity can add glimmer into your calendar and give you a spur on in your day to day life knowing you have something exciting happening soon. 

Get outside and see people.
Again over the Christmas period, most of us spend so much time with friends and family and see much of other people and again like a orange that you was hoping to be juicy turns out to be a dry boring orange, January can feel a bit lonely and lifeless. So arrange to have a wee get together with your family to catch up after Christmas. Maybe you bumped into an old friend while Christmas shopping and had no time to catch up, arrange to see them. Get outside and see the freshness that January brings, yes it may be a bit nip outside but wrap up and get out and blow the cob webs off. 

Don't exit this post, i know your possibly tempted ;) But trust me when i say, exercise is key to feeling more positive throughout January. In no way does it have to be for the physical side of things, to lose weight or to get fitter. Just exercising alone can do so much mentally too. The endorphins after a workout can make us feel so accomplished and instantly motivate us to be more productive with our time. If were feeling bogged down with all the work thats piled up over the holidays, getting in a workout can release so much stress and tension in our bodies that we leave feeling that workout mentally relaxed to tackle anything that January throws at us. 

Have a good organise and clean. 
Maybe you still have some baubles lying around or some gifts you haven't found a home for yet. Set yourself sometime throughout January to sort those things out, find a home for items that don't have one, clear out that junk drawer you've been meaning to do, clean cookie mixture off the oven from baking over Christmas... having a bit of organisation around the home and a new year spring clean here and there can physically make everything look great but again, can mentally feel refreshing. Having an unorganised and messy environment can instantly lower our moods. As soon as i clear something out to either go in the bin or give away, i feel instantly accomplished and my mood is instantly lifted from feeling down. 

Getting back into the swing of things in January can be trying. After maybe having lie ins for a few mornings and then your hit back into reality with a loud bell chime at 6:30am. Preparing ahead can get you straight back into your routine FAST. It also makes things so much easier if you finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning or are too tired to do anything of an evening which can add to your low mood. Preparing your lunch the night before could get your an extra 10 mins in bed. Get your clothes ready for the following day can add more zzz's and not add any more stress to your morning. Get your diary and write a list of the upcoming tasks and events for the week so your mentally prepared and have reminded yourself in advance to save hassle and stress later on which adds more drama than needed to your January blues. 

I hope my tips are helpful in fighting the January blues and find yourself having a fun, productive and positive start to the year.

Thank you so much for reading, 
Emilie x

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